Polypropylene screens

Woven polypropylene fabrics with different characteristics allowing to serve different sectors according to your needs. They provide support for growth and sustainability to the pillar markets of the economy, highlighting construction, agriculture and other industries. Manufactured with the highest quality standards, they are an indispensable product for your business.

Types of polypropylene fabrics

Advantages of polypropylene fabrics
Resistance and stability
Fabrics made with polypropylene offer great resistance and stability, maintaining these characteristics for a long period of time, maintaining their functionality with little wear
Moisture protection
Polypropylene is characterized by being a material with very low water absorption, the manufacture of fabrics with this material takes advantage of this property so that they can be used in construction and agriculture
A very important characteristic of fabrics made with polypropylene is their possibility of being reused many times and finally being recycled, significantly reducing the environmental impact.
The quality - price ratio of fabrics made with polypropylene is much higher than fabrics made with other materials, obtaining an excellent balance between economy, quality and environmental impact; Polypropylene fabrics are without a doubt the best option
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